Happy New Year to the friends of Iris X Readings! This week's reading was done on the Botanica Oculta Tarot. I asked the cards for a reading for someone that would happen to see this post. Read on, see if it is for you.
The reading begins with the IX of Wands. If this is your reading, you are in a place of defense. You have felt attacked over and over, and at this point, you are just protecting what is yours. You are hurt- and not just in the heart but in the mind. You feel like there is something that you just can't understand or figure out. You feel alone, and like you don't have anyone that understands how you feel. You feel like you have lost everything, and you are protecting what you still have left.
The V of Swords appears next. You are running into a wall in a relationship in your life. You can't make any headway or get through to someone that you really care about. All you can do is walk away at this point to avoid further injury. This person is not going to change their mind or way of seeing the world in the near future. You are expending energy that is not going to get you anywhere right now. Sometimes, the answer is to stop.
The Tower rounds up the message with a sign that something is blowing up. You have a connection that was not on a firm foundation to begin with, and now you can't hold it all together. Everything falls apart, and you feel like you have lost something very important to you. You are not even sure of where you stand- but it is better to be out of a burning tower than trapped inside of it.
Once you are out of the Tower, you are going to find that your vision clears up. You are going to be pulling together your thoughts and making sense of it all. You haven't been able to do this up until now, and everything has felt scattered. You have been given a burden or a conundrum- and you are figuring it out. The X of Wands is a card about pulling everything together- backbreaking as it may be.
Here's what I see. If this is your reading, you have been in a situation for a really long time where you feel like you have to be on the defense. This has exhausted you- you are on your feet, but you can barely keep your eyes open. You are always ready to jump to defend yourself. The person or situation that is causing you such harm is not one that is going to change. Sometimes, things will work out. Other times- you have to know when to walk away. You can leap from the Tower or be pushed out of it. It's all up to you at this point. The key is in pulling your thoughts together and figuring out a way to find some peace and rest in your life.
Take care this week! If you need a reading, send a message to irisxtarot@gmail.com.