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Iris X Reading of the Week/Week beginning on 6/12/23:

Writer's picture: Stacy Salpietro-BabbStacy Salpietro-Babb

For the weekly readings, I am going to start pulling out decks that I have not worked with in some time. This week's reading was done on the Medieval Scapini Tarot. It's funny- for a long time, this was a favorite of mine. It just got buried in Tarot decks, and I'm happy to have tracked it down again! I shuffled the cards and asked for a reading for someone that will read this post. Read on, see if it is a reading for you- things are about to get busy if so! 

The reading begins with the Ace of Wands. You have something that you are trying to make happen right now. It is something that would transform your life. Right now, it is only a wisp- just an idea. But you know that you could make it work- and you are correct. This is an Ace of an idea, and it would go well for you. But it is only an opportunity- if you do not take it, it will not be there next time you look. 

The Eight of Wands comes up next, and this shows that your life is about to get busy. You have a lot of things that you have been working on which are all likely to go well all at once. It seems like things are 'feast or famine', and you are about to come into a busy time period. Expect multiple messages, phone calls and all manner of communication. Things are about to speed up. 

The Moon appears next, implying that there are subtle influences at work here. While you may feel like you are just working and spinning your wheels- something important is happening. You are inspired and dreaming your reality into being. You may feel anxious and like you have no idea what to expect next, but there is a definite pattern and cycle here if you are paying attention. 

The key to this week comes in the form of a messenger. The Page of Wands appears with a message about the transformation that you are going through. He holds the Ace of Wands, and gives you more information about the beginning of something new. I pulled another card to see what the message is, and the Wheel of Fortune appeared. This is a card of the powers of Fate. Things are spinning and moving in your life- and happening as it should. Pay attention to opportunities and synchronicities and follow the threads that are handed to you. You may feel 'in charge' of what is happening, but you are actually just along for the ride. 

Here's what I see. If this is your reading, you are trying to dream something into being. It happens to be at a time when things are about to get busy in your life. You are about to have too much to do- but you have to pay attention to the messages and calls that you get right now. Follow your intuition. When your key is Fate, you have to watch your life and the world very closely. You have an inspired idea that will transform your life- it is what you have been trying to manifest. If it gets busy for a while, that is ok. You are spinning on the Wheel of fate- and your life is growing and changing every day. 

Have a great week! If you need a reading this week- send a message to I am teaching a five day online class starting on Wednesday about the crafts of the Witch in the Summer. Let me know if you are interested! 

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Drew Clark
Drew Clark
Jun 15, 2023

i love the medieval scapini tarot cards so much! they are so wacky and evocative.


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