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Iris X Reading of the Week/Week beginning on 2/3/25: 

Writer's picture: Stacy Salpietro-BabbStacy Salpietro-Babb

Hello to the friends of Iris X readings. This week's reading was done on The Cary Yale Visconti deck- one of the oldest decks that you can get in print, from the 15th century. I have a huge collection of Tarot decks, but my first deck was the Universal Waite/Pamela Coleman Smith Tarot and my second was the Visconti Sforza. I do love these old traditional cards best, though I cannderstand the challenge of learning them! The Cary Yale is an 86 card deck (as opposed to the traditional 78), and has taken me some time to learn. I shuffled the deck and asked for a reading for someone who will see this post. This is a person who wears their heart on their sleeve and may feel like they are carrying the weight of the world. 

The reading begins with the Queen of Cups. If this is your reading, you are feeling very emotional. This may just be how you are- or you may be feeling more feelings than you are used to. Either way, you are sensitive- approaching the world through your heart. You have a great deal of empathy for the world around you, and it is important for you to stay in balance and at peace. You take in everything around you and it all hits you straight in the heart. The people in your life are the most important and you are easily influenced by discord and lack of harmony and peace. 

The IV of Swords appears next. You feel like you are waiting for the other shoe to drop. You wonder- what's next? You are feeling like you are frozen and having a hard time finding a good way forward. You are trying to stay in control- and right now, the best way to do this feels like freezing up. You are worried about the future and trying to protect yourself from what's to come. 

The III of Swords appears next and is a card of sadness, heartbreak and pain. This can represent one big thing that is upsetting you or can be a number of things at once. You feel like you are having a hard time moving forward because you are really heartbroken. The swords are often known to be truth- and you have had a lot of harsh truths hit you right in the heart lately. You feel like you are walking around with a broken heart at baseline. Basically- you are really upset. 

The key to this reading is Temperance. This card asks you to stay centered and balanced. It is not a good time to go to extremes of thought and emotion. See if you can 'temper' down the things that are upsetting you. Is there a way to reduce the harm or calm yourself or the people around you? Temperance is often thought to be a peaceful angel. It is important to note that if the Tarot deck is in order, she stands between Death and the Devil. There is a lot of power to this card. It suggests staying in balance through motion and mixing. Don't go to the black or the white. Stay in the center. 

Here's what I see. If this is your reading, you are feeling Everything. It is just your way to approach the world from the place of the heart, and this is starting to really take a toll on you. You are trying to take care of everyone and stay optimistic, but you are full of emotions that threaten to overwhelm. You have had one bad thing happen after another and you are starting to feel frozen- afraid to move. You have been hit by so many arrows that this is what you have come to expect. You are exhausted and defensive. The cards are telling you to stay calm as much as possible. Try to not go to extremes, either in thought or action. Temper things down a little bit. Try to take care of your heart and emotions knowing that you are feeling sensitive lately. You are strong and you can withstand a lot. Try to not take on the whole world all at once. It's too much for any one person. 

Hang in there if this is your reading- that is a lot of arrows flying at a sensitive heart with the advice of staying calm. If you need a reading this week, send a message to

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