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Iris X Reading of the Week/Week beginning on 1/27/25:

Writer's picture: Stacy Salpietro-BabbStacy Salpietro-Babb

Hello to the friends of Iris X Readings! This week's reading was done on The Raven's Dream Tarot. This is a beautiful and colorful Tarot deck that reminds us that Ravens are a wonderful ally to have. They can solve puzzles, think around corners and plan for the future. They are clever and they plan in advance- they don't miss a trick. Ravens will solve just about any problem you give them. So, I asked the Raven's dream card for a reading for someone who will read this post. I don't know who it is for- maybe it is for one person in particular or for a number of us! Read on and see if it's for you. If you haven't yet subscribed (free!), please do! 

The week begins with the Four of Cups. If this is your reading, you are trying to stay in control of your emotions. You are drawing lines and boundaries. You are saying 'no' to people and things that drain your energy and focus. You are being very particular about where your time and energy go so that you do not exhaust yourself. You are being very selective about the people that you let get close to you. You are keeping yourself quiet and focused right now and are shutting out external influences. 

Justice appears next. It is important to stand up for yourself and demand fairness in the world. Stand your ground, be true, and refuse to budge. Justice is a card about being accountable in your life and asking for the same from others. It is a time to be honest- even if brutally so. Stare back in the face of anything that dares to try to diminish your strength, power, and worth. Refuse to be pushed to the side or ignored- speak your truth. If this is your reading, there is something that is unfair happening, and you need to keep your scales in balance. 

The Knight of Pentacles appears next, showing a long road ahead. This is the card of moving slowly but surely to get to where you are going. You would like for things to move faster but they are going at a slow pace. It is a good time to be very deliberate and careful. With this card, 'slow and steady wins the race.' Stay calm and in balance. Be rooted to the earth and know that it is ok to move slowly- just as long as you are moving. 

The key to this reading is The Hierophant. This is a character defining time in your life. You are carving out your place in the world and prioritizing your traditions and way of life. There is a bigger picture at work when The Hierophant is the key. Ask yourself- what is the meaning of all of this? Maintain your traditions and sacred practices and be clear about your ethics and where you 'stand' on a variety of topics. Know yourself, who you are, and what you believe. Share your wisdom with others when the time is right. 

Here's what I see. If this is your reading, you are in a time where you feel very guarded. You are standing your ground and asking to be treated with fairness. You feel like you are having to maintain your energy by watching what you pay attention to. You are currently laying low- but you are ready to stand up for yourself and your beliefs. You are in a long game right now and know that you need to maintain your energy. There are changes that you would like to see happen faster, but now is a time for moving slowly and deliberately. The key right now is to know who you are and what you believe- and to not budge from what you know to be true. There are times in life that define who you are. It seems like it is an impactful and auspicious time for you. Use it as a time to get to know yourself and your beliefs more clearly. Be ready to stand up for yourself and be deliberate about what you put your energy into.  

Have a good week, Tarot friends. If you would like a reading this week, send a message to 

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